Welcome to the Bronx School for Law, Government & Justice, an Urban Assembly School
Where we are ALL CHAMPIONS of the C.H.A.R.G.E!
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Read about our procedures for this new school year
Early Dismissal
All persons picking up children must present a VALID, GOVERNMENT ISSUED PHOTO IDENTIFICATION. Please be advised, as per DOE Regulations, the school cannot release students to persons without a photo identification. Credit cards, library cards, medical insurance cards and employment identification are not considered valid forms of identification.
Parents/Guardians CANNOT give verbal permission for students to leave school unaccompanied if they are underage.
ONLY persons who appear on CURRENT (SY 2024-2025) Emergency Blue Contact Card may sign a student out for dismissal. Parents cannot give permission over the telephone or in writing to have someone who is not listed on the blue card to sign their child out of school.
Students CANNOT sign themselves out of school, unless they are 18 years of age and the parent/guardian on the Blue Card has communicated with school staff and provided written authorization via parent email account.
If you have any questions, please contact Parent Coordinator, Alondra Huerta for assistance and support.
Did you know that you can track your child’s education on any computer, phone, or tablet? You can sign up for an account by entering a few basic details. This will allow you to begin receiving notifications from the DOE. It only takes five minutes, and it is the first step in getting a full account. REGISTER TODAY!
Chancellor's Messages for Families
Visit our Family Resources Page for updated available resources.
For updated resources including: